for Hélène Rytmann
It takes it out on me, attaches jingle bells round my neck. As it kills,
Canada announces the obsolescence of the penny from
the coinage system. As it kills, what will it give me for my
thoughts. Great head rolling in the dust while I have yet to think freely. I lay
before it on my back. As it kills, proof of the pudding is in the
eating! So what! Like ideology, I am aware. It strikes me with its
bow, for it forgot its whip in the MPV. Don’t I
hate when it happens. As it kills, I wait for the porntunity
to relate to it while kept at arms length. V-shaped, cram techniques.
As it kills, fix it dear Henry. As it kills, fix it, dear Henry.
Recognize it as merely a bigger cat. Gives me what I like,
as it kills, it wants to fuck me hard on the sink. Uh-huh Henry.